Story M Vastgoed

May 30, 2024 | Post by: Thibaut Nivelles

Sigrid Peeters, Customer Success Manager at Setle travels all over Flanders and lends her ear to the users of the renovation application. In search of interesting stories, feedback and useful tips. In the heart of Kortrijk, with a view of the Broel Towers, she had a conversation with Kevin Vandamme, manager of M Vastgoed, Skarabee user and Setle customer from the very beginning.

Kevin Vandamme: “We were one of Setle's first customers and have seen the application evolve into an all-in-one renovation app with a focus on the energy story. With M Renovation, we have found an innovative way to integrate Setle into our operation.”

The advent of the renovation requirement is causing a shift in the real estate landscape. They also notice this change at M Vastgoed.

Kevin Vandamme: “The legal framework requiring renovation properties to be renovated to an EPC label D within 5 years of purchase is causing a shift in our sales. Renovation properties are more difficult in the market and prospective buyers are immediately asking the question, “How much will a renovation cost me?” We find that with we can address these initial concerns with a Setle report. The costs are transparently displayed are often lower than expected. In this way, we can still motivate prospective buyers to purchase a renovation property. The road to a (renovation) loan is also immediately much smoother thanks to the renovation report.”

 How does this evolution translate into the use of Setle?

“In recent months we have noticed an increase in the use of Setle both by our own employees and by visitors to our website. While Setle used to be a nice-to-have, it is increasingly proving its added value in our daily operations. We are therefore satisfied users.”