Takeaways from Munich: 2nd EEMI Sustainability & Digitalisation Pavilion

January 04, 2024 | Post by: Thibaut Nivelles

The bi-annual ECBC Plenary meeting is the covered bond industry’s key networking event, traditionally bringing together more than 300 key decision makers including issuers, investors, government and regulatory officials at national, European and global levels, analysts, rating agencies and journalists from over 45 covered bond jurisdictions.

Key themes for the 2023 edition
Third Country Equivalence for Covered Bonds, European Banking Authority Mandates, ESG, European Secured Notes, Green Covered Bonds

Setle attended this event with our innovative platform that uses ESG tools, ECO-calculators, and EU Taxonomy principles to empower mortgage professionals as mentors on the route to a greener future.


In the video below Thibaut Nivelles, introduces Setle at the conference: